Unlocking Literacy and Linguistic Skills: The Benefits of Sending Your Children to English-Speaking Schools
At FLIST, we believe that proficiency in English is not just a language skill—it's a lifelong advantage.
Embark on an exciting journey where language, literacy and digital skills intertwine at Four Leaves International School Tokyo located in Minami-Aoyama. In today’s rapidly changing and developing world, it has become essential to communicate effectively in English, especially in the digital landscape. In this article, we explore the myriad of advantages and opportunities that come from sending your children to English-speaking schools, with a highlighted emphasis on an immersive and enriching environment for learning. Four Leaves International School Tokyo comes in to provide just that.
One of the most notable advantages of sending your children to English-speaking schools includes the enhancement of their language skills. Having your child be surrounded in an English-speaking environment allows them to improve their fluency and proficiency in the language, and this gives your child a valuable skill set in today’s multicultural society.
At Four Leaves International School Tokyo, we prioritise creating an English-speaking atmosphere where students can develop their language abilities to the fullest extent. FLIST teachers ensure constant English exposure and encourage students to express themselves in English, even for simple phrases. This practice helps them get comfortable with expressing themselves through the English language. FLIST teachers also understand the importance of conversations in language learning. We actively uplift students to communicate in English during their daily interactions with their peers, giving them an opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills which helps build fluency and natural use of the language.
FLIST students regularly converse in English to promote fluency and comfort with the language.
Enrolling your children in English-speaking schools like Four Leaves International School Tokyo fosters cultural understanding and tolerance. These schools provide a multicultural environment that promotes awareness and pushes children to develop a global perspective.
At FLIST, students actively engage with different cultures through celebrations and daily exposure to diverse songs. This immersive experience allows them to learn about cultures beyond Japan, fostering a deep appreciation for diversity and further expanding their cultural knowledge.
FLIST students hone their English skills through digital learning
In addition, incorporating English learning into your child’s education stimulates cognitive development such as critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving, which is essential in both everyday and professional life. Starting English education at a young age familiarises children with social interactions and grants them access to an abundance of information worldwide.
Moreover, for Japanese children, becoming fluent in English enhances their abilities and broadens their horizons as well as world view. Scholarly research consistently emphasises the cognitive benefits and academic excellence that has been associated with bilingualism or multilingualism.
Early English learning provides children with the advantage to prepare for the future that awaits them. By cultivating robust English literacy and linguistic skills, children can easily adapt to the modern world and thrive in diverse fields.
FLIST students diligently working on their English worksheets
At Four Leaves International School Tokyo, we recognise the significance of a nurturing and encouraging environment in fostering students’ English language proficiency. Our commitment lies within creating a conducive and supportive environment where students feel at ease to communicate in English, consequently boosting their confidence and improving their forms of self expression. Through this approach, we can not only improve linguistic skills but also enhance social aptitude as well as build a strong foundation of self-esteem.
Experience the importance of an English-speaking environment at Four Leaves International School Tokyo, and enrich your child’s journey by enrolling them into our school.
Japanese Translation
南青山に位置するFour Leaves International School Tokyoでは、言語、リテラシー、デジタルスキルが絡み合う魅力的な旅に参加しましょう。現代の急速に変化し発展する世界では、特にデジタルの領域において効果的に英語でコミュニケーションすることが不可欠となっています。本記事では、英語を話す学校への子供の送り出しによってもたらされる数々の利点と機会を探求し、学びのための没入感溢れる環境を重視しています。Four Leaves International School Tokyoは、まさにそのために存在しています。
Four Leaves International School Tokyoでは、学生が言語能力を最大限に発展させるための英語環境の創出を優先しています。FLISTの教師たちは常に英語に触れる機会を提供し、学生に簡単なフレーズでも英語で表現することを奨励しています。これにより、子供たちは英語を通じて自己表現に慣れることができます。また、FLISTの教師たちは言語学習における会話の重要性を理解しています。日常の対話の中で学生が英語でコミュニケーションするよう積極的にサポートし、話す力と聞く力の発展に役立ち、流暢で自然な言語使用を身につける機会を提供しています。
子供をFour Leaves International School Tokyoのような英語を話す学校に入学させることは、文化理解と寛容さを育むものです。これらの学校は多文化環境を提供し、意識を高め、子供たちがグローバルな視点を発展させることを促進します。