“At Four Leaves we believe in adapting our curriculum and service to each child’s individual needs through extensive differentiation. Our curriculum is easily scalable, adaptable, and ensures that every child is appropriately challenged at all times.”

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Curriculum Overview -カリキュラム概要

At Four Leaves we have adapted standards and guidelines from the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) to uniquely suit the needs of international and Japanese children aged 1 – 6. The IEYC curriculum was developed through a deep analysis of the national early childhood educational models of Singapore, New Zealand, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Best practices from these systems were combined to form the IEYC curriculum. Here at Four Leaves we have further adapted this innovative and rigorous curriculum and have personalized it to meet the unique needs of both local and international students in Japan.

Our IEYC curriculum recognizes that all children are born ready, able, and eager to learn. Some overarching principles and values of the IEYC curriculum at Four Leaves are:

Four Leaves では 1歳から6歳の子ども達を対象に、国際的かつ日本的でユニークなニーズに見合うよう International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) を基準として取り入れています。IEYCはシンガポール、ニュージーランド、スウェーデン、イギリスの幼児教育モデルを深く分析し作られたカリキュラムで、各国で取り組まれていた最善の手法をもとに構成されました。Four Leavesではこの革新的で徹底されたカリキュラムを用いると同時に世界各国、そして日本人の子ども達、各々のニーズに応えられる様個別化をはかっています。

Every Child is Unique(子ども達は皆ユニーク– At Four Leaves we recognize that each and every child is unique. Children have different learning styles, speeds, talents, and interests. At Four Leaves we believe in adapting our curriculum and service to each child’s individual needs through extensive differentiation. Our curriculum is easily scalable, adaptable, and ensures that every child is appropriately challenged at all times. Our core academic programming is fully digitized, highly interactive, and can be accessed from any device anywhere in the world. This ensures that children can follow their passions and learn at their own pace at anytime and anywhere.



-徹底された個別化指導- を通じ、個々のニーズに対応して参ります。


Relationships Matter(関係作りの大切さ)– Children discover strength, independence, and a deep love of learning only when they have happy and secure relationships with parents, teachers, and friends. At Four Leaves we take extraordinary steps to ensure strong and healthy relationships with all members of our school community.

自立心を持ち、自らの強さや学ぶことの楽しさを見つけるには親、教師、友達との良好な関係づくりという土台が欠かせません。Four Leavesではスクールのスタッフ及びコミュニティとの健全で強固な関係作りに力をいれます。

Environment is Everything(環境が全て – Children maximize their potential in environments where those around them respond to their individual, personal, and learning needs, and where there is a deep partnership between home and school. We also believe that language grows most outside of the classroom environment, so we pay careful focus to provide our children with a healthy English language environment where children can grow their English skills outside of the classroom on a daily basis.


The Four Leaves Approach to the IEYC
Four Leaves においての IEYCへのアプローチ

 At Four Leaves we have a truly unique approach to the IEYC and early childhood education overall. We have both a modern and naturalistic approach to education which we call the “Four Leaves Approach”.

At Four Leaves our educational approach is deeply rooted in our core values and guiding principles:

F – Family & Friendship

L – Leadership & Independence

I – Imagination & Ingenuity

S – Social & Moral Development

T – Technology & Tradition

Four Leaves においての IEYCへのアプローチ

Four Leavesでは IEYC及び幼児教育全体に対し非常にユニークなアプローチを行なっています。近代的かつ自然との触れ合いを大切にした教育アプローチ、それが “Four Leaves アプローチ” です。

F- 家族と友情

L- リーダーシップと自立

I – 想像力と創意工夫

S – 社会性と道徳の発達

T – テクノロジーと伝統

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Four Leaves is a leadership school. We pride ourselves in helping to develop independent, courageous, and globally minded leaders who are fully prepared to carve out their own path in life. Four Leaves students have a weekly opportunity to take on classroom leadership opportunities, and to serve as team leaders of their respective teams. We also help to train and guide our children through the development of self-help skills and abilities that help them to achieve a higher level of independence. Finally, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities such as yoga, dance, and martial arts that help our children to develop both their bodies and self-discipline.

Four Leavesはリーダーシップを大切にするスクールです。自ら人生を切り開き、自分の足で立ち、勇気ある国際的な視野をもったリーダーを育て上げるお手伝いを出来ることを誇りに感じています。子ども達は毎週クラスのリーダーとしてチームをまとめる機会を与えられます。また、自助能力の向上、自立へ向けて指導を行なっていきます。更にはヨガやダンス、マーシャルアーツなどのレッスンも取り入れ、心身共に育てていきます。

Leadership & Independence



Family & Friendship



At Four Leaves we envision our school not just as a school, but as a home away from home for our children, their families, and our staff. We want Four Leaves to be a place where everyone feels comfortable, happy, and is an integral part of our children’s educational journey. Children at Four Leaves automatically feel comfortable in their new environment as they are welcomed by a team of friends and teachers whom they will work with on a daily basis to reach new heights. Parents also can feel in touch with their child’s school life with regular photo and video updates, face to face chats with Four Leaves staff, and a wealth of community events that welcome them into their child’s school life. At Four Leaves you will always feel in touch with what is going on and will always feel that both you and your children are welcomed and loved.

Four Leavesでは、スタッフ、ご家族、そして子ども達にスクールを学びの施設というだけではなく、第二の家 と感じて欲しいと思っています。安心で楽しく、皆にとって必要不可欠な場であって欲しいと。友達や教師に温かく出迎えられることで自然と生活に溶け込み、日々成長していきます。ご家族の皆様もまた、スクール行事や日々のスタッフとのコミュニケーション、授業風景の定期的な写真や動画の更新などを通してお子様のスクール生活の様子を身近に感じて頂けます。常にスクールとの繋がりを感じていられる、温かな愛を感じられる。Four Leavesはそんなスクールです。

At Four Leaves we believe in developing morally upright and socially conscious global leaders. To achieve this goal, we adopt several key systems:

Team-based Education – Upon enrollment every child at Four Leaves is placed on  a team. Within this team they will learn to work-together, as well as to support and lead one another. Our team systems are fun, interactive, points-based systems , that reward children for positive social, moral, and academic behaviors.

Community Involvement – All Four Leaves children are required to undertake annual community involvement projects designed to support and give back to those in need. Through these projects, children are able to have a positive impact on the world and people’s lives, all while developing a greater sense of purpose and social consciousness.

Values Education – At Four Leaves all students are engaged in regular values education through our “Community Focus” Program. Our Community Focus Program identifies one moral or social value each month that will become the focus of our school environment. Children explore and practice these moral and social values through specialized projects, stories, role-play, and community experiences.

Four Leavesでは正しい道徳心と社会的意識をもった国際リーダーを育て上げることが大切であると考えています。これらの目標を達成すベく、以下のキーシステムを取り入れています:

チームベース教育-   入学と同時に子ども達はチームの一員となります。チーム内では一緒に協力して作業に取り組むことやお互いに支え合い、手を差し伸べ合うことを学びます。楽しく、参加型のシステムで、学習面や道徳、他人との関わりを通じて子ども達のポジティブで積極的な行動や発言など奨励するポイント制システムとなっています。

コミュニティーとの関わり-  Four Leavesでは毎年助けを必要とする人々への支援活動を行なっています。この活動を通し、子ども達はより大きな目的意識と社会的意識を育て、世界や人々の生活にポジティブな影響を与えられるようになります。

道徳価値観を育てる- Four Leavesでは “Community Focus” プログラムを通じて基礎となる道徳的価値感を養っていきます。このプログラムは毎月道徳的、または社会的価値からテーマが一つ選ばれ、その月のスクール全体のフォーカスとなります。プロジェクト、ロールプレイ、地域活動などの経験を通してこれらの価値観を体得していきます。

Social & Moral Development


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At Four Leaves we believe that all children should learn in an environment without limits. We believe that a child’s imagination and creativity should guide and shape their daily education, just as it shapes their passions. At Four Leaves we adapt our daily curriculum to our children’s interests and passions. With us they have the true ability to take leadership over their education and growth. We also have a strong focus on hands-on, experiential learning that helps our children to discover the practical application of what they learn each day. Finally, we are strongly committed to the creative arts. At Four Leaves children have regular opportunities to engage in arts classes, music and dance, as well as theatrical performances.


日々のカリキュラムに子ども達の興味やこんなことをやってみたい!という熱意を取り入れたレッスンを行っています。Four Leavesで共に学んでいくことで、真のリーダーシップを身につけることができます。実地学習や経験学習に重きを置くことにより、子ども達がその日実際に学んだことが普段の生活にしっかりと結びついていきます。


Imagination & Ingenuity



At Four Leaves we adopt a modern and naturalistic approach to education. We believe in utilizing cutting edge educational technology that is perfectly differentiated to each of our children’s specific learning needs. All of our core educational programing is fully digitized, deeply differentiated, and can be accessed on any device from anywhere in the world. These programs also offer real-time data tracking which helps parents and teachers to know their student’s strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in each of their core academic areas.

At Four Leaves we also believe in balancing our use of technology with both nature and tradition. Four Leaves children have the opportunity to grow crops, plant flowers, tend a garden, play outdoors, go on nature expeditions, and craft culinary masterpieces on a regular basis. We believe in keeping our children intimately connected with nature and constantly curious about the world around them.

Four Leavesではモダンかつ自然的な教育アプローチを取り入れています。最先端の技術を取り入れることで子ども達一人一人の異なる学びのニーズがつかめます。スクールの核となる教育プログラムは全てデジタル化、個別化されており、世界中からどんなデバイスでもアクセスが可能です。更に、リアルタイムでのデータトラッキングにより、教師や保護者がお子様の学習における強み、弱み、更には核となる学習分野での好みなどがわかるようになっています。


Technology & Tradition



How The IEYC Curriculum Is Designed

 The philosophy of the IEYC curriculum is designed around four essential constructs:

Child Centered Education - Children’s interests, thoughts, passions, and ideas always take center stage in the classroom and children have the power to lead their education to places that capture their imagination and heart.

Learning Strands - All activities within the IEYC curriculum are designed along several “learning strands” that easily enable teachers to scale lessons to children’s unique abilities, allowing for differentiated instruction and holistic learning.

Learning Process - The IEYC curriculum utilizes a specific learning process to ensure optimal learning and retention of enduring understandings. Students are brought into the world of new concepts through an “Entry Point”, have their imaginations sparked by “Capturing Curiosity”, teachers then “Enable the Environment” of the classroom to maximize learning opportunities. Students then begin to develop “The Big Picture”, which leads to key enduring understandings. Students are then afforded the opportunity to “Explore and Express” these enduring understandings through a variety of activities and contexts. Finally, students reflect on what they have learned and relate it to their lives in realistic and practical ways at the “Exit Point”.




学習要素 – IEYCカリキュラムにおける全てのアクティビティはいくつかの “学習要素“ に沿ってデザインされています。よって、教師達は容易に子ども達それぞれがもつユニークな能力を把握し、個別指導や包括的な授業を行うことができます。


IEYCカリキュラムでは、以下の学習行程を用いることで、最適な学習を通し生涯役に立つ知識を習得していきます。 まず “Entry Point -導入” ステージで新しい世界へと足を踏み入れ、レッスンのコンセプトを学びます。続いて “Capturing Curiosity - 興味を捉える” ステージで想像力が開花、この段階で教師が “Enable the Environment 適切な環境作り” を整えることで子ども達の学習機会を最大限に引き出します。そうすることで安定した理解、知識の習得に繋がり、 “The Big Picture  全体像 “ が見え始めようになっていくのです。次にさまざまな場面やアクティビティを通し、培った知識を実際に “Explorer and Express – 探求、表現” していく機会を得ます。そして最終ステージ “Exit Point – 実践 “で今まで学んできたことを実際の生活に反映させ、活用していくのです。

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