Four Leaves International School Tokyo

“Where Learning is Always in Season” - 学びは季節と共に -

認可外保育施設(証明書交付あり) / 幼児教育無償化対象施設
Tokyo Ninkagai childcare service eligible for government aid

“A modern and naturalistic approach to elite education”



Take a moment to imagine if you will a school that is not just a school, but a child’s second home. A place where children are free to follow their interests and learn without limits. An environment where every aspect of a child’s experience is specifically tailored to their exact needs, interests, and unique abilities. A place where a child can grow their own crops, craft delicious meals, and explore nature to discover answers to life’s many questions. This is Four Leaves International School Tokyo.

想像してみてください。スクールは学びの場となるだけではなく、お子様が興味の赴くまま際限なく自由に学習できるもう一つの家庭となるのです。あらゆる場面で、お子様のニーズ、興味、そして個々の能力に合う特別な環境をご用意しています。作物を育て、調理し、自然の中を散策する中で人生の様々な疑問の答えを発見していく・・ Four Leaves International School Tokyoはそんなスクールです。

We Believe a child’s school should be their home away from home.


Family & Friendship

Growing future leaders one child at a time.


Leadership & Independence

We believe that every child’s imagination and individuality should be nurtured.


Imagination & Ingenuity

We develop brilliant minds and beautiful hearts :)


Social & Moral Development

Our Programs balance cutting edge educational technology with nature based naturalistic learning approaches


Technology & Tradition

  • “Join us and let’s grow together!”

Four Leaves International School Tokyo