Ensuring the Gateway to Success : Discover the Elementary Afterschool Program at Four Leaves International School Tokyo
Are you looking for a program that caters to your children’s needs while leading them to a path of success? Look no further! Here at Four Leaves International School Tokyo, our established Afternoon Elementary Program offers a wonderful opportunity for new students and graduates alike to continue their education journey in a conducive and enriching environment.
Designed for students who plan to complete their primary school education at FLIST, this program allows the flexibility of those who attend Japanese schools to continue honing their English skills and sharpen their linguistics. The Afternoon Elementary Program addresses the changing preferences of parents and is made to provide a solid academic foundation. Alongside a flexible schedule, thematic curriculum and study support, the program offers a range of benefits to both students and their families.
The schedule for the Afternoon Elementary Program at Four Leaves International School Tokyo.
Continuing Education at FLIST
One of the key advantages of the Afternoon Elementary program is that students who have graduated from Four Leaves International School Tokyo can continue their education until the age of 12. By being in the FLIST community, students can build upon the knowledge they have acquired in previous years, aiding in a seamless transition and consistency in their academic journey. This is also beneficial for families who have reconsidered their decisions to enrol their child in a Japanese school, as FLIST provides an English-focused learning environment that continues to maintain a high academic standard.
On another note, Four Leaves International School Tokyo also accepts non-FLIST students as well as those who did not graduate from FLIST and are looking to hone their academic English skills alongside their primary school education!
Academic Support and English Literacy Development
The Afternoon Elementary program at Four Leaves International School Tokyo emphasises academic support and English literacy development. Students receive homework assistance and study support which helps them stay on track with their assignments as well as academic progress. The program incorporates the same kind of thematic curriculum that FLIST’s current students learn, which engages students in both interactive and stimulating learning experiences. This allows students to learn while also having a bit of fun, an effective way of learning that can be applied into their daily lives. As part of the literacy development program, FLIST utilises resources such as Raz-Kids, an online reading platform that highlights English reading skills and comprehension.
Flexibility and Convenience
Four Leaves International School Tokyo understands the diverse needs of families and offers a highly flexible schedule for the Afternoon Elementary program. From Monday to Friday, students can attend the program according to their availability, thanks to the day pass system. Whether students choose to attend multiple times a week or only on certain days, FLIST accommodates according to their schedules. The program runs from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, allowing a convenient time slot for students to learn and participate in educational and interactive activities after their regular schooling hours.
The Afternoon Elementary program at Four Leaves International School Tokyo offers a valuable opportunity for graduates to complete their primary school education while still maintaining a high academic standard and cultivating their English skills. By providing academic support, fun thematic curriculums as well as flexible attendance options, Four Leaves International School Tokyo gives students the experience of a well-rounded education in an engaging and positive learning environment. For families seeking different options besides Japanese schools or aiming to strengthen their child’s English, the Afternoon Elementary at FLIST makes for a good choice to promote both academic excellence and personal development.
Consider Four Leaves International School Tokyo, where our students are our priority and we ensure each individual’s success both academically and socially. For more information and school tours, visit https://flist.co.jp
Japanese Translation
成功への道を確かなものにする:Four Leaves International School Tokyoの小学校放課後プログラムを発見しましょう
お子さんのニーズに合ったプログラムをお探しですか?さらなる成功へと導くためのプログラムをお探しの方に朗報です!Four Leaves International School Tokyoでは、確立された小学校放課後プログラムを提供しています。このプログラムは、新しい生徒や卒業生が教育の旅を豊かな環境で続ける素晴らしい機会を提供します。
小学校放課後プログラムの主な利点の1つは、Four Leaves International School Tokyoを卒業した生徒が12歳まで教育を続けることができることです。FLISTコミュニティに所属することで、生徒は以前の学年で習得した知識をさらに深めることができ、学術的な旅路においてシームレスな移行と一貫性を確保することができます。また、日本の学校に子供を入学させることを再考した家族にとっても有益です。FLISTは英語に焦点を当てた学習環境を提供し、高い学術基準を維持しています。
また、Four Leaves International School Tokyoでは、FLISTの卒業生でない生徒や小学校教育と並行して学術英語のスキルを磨きたい生徒も受け入れています!
Four Leaves International School Tokyoの放課後小学校プログラムでは、学業サポートと英語リテラシーの発展が重視されています。生徒は宿題のサポートや学習支援を受けることで、課題や学業の進捗状況を追いつけるようになります。このプログラムでは、FLISTの現在の生徒が学んでいるテーマカリキュラムを取り入れており、生徒が対話的で刺激的な学びの体験をすることができます。これにより、学びながら楽しむことができる効果的な学習方法を日常生活に応用することができます。リテラシーの発展プログラムの一環として、FLISTではRaz-Kidsなどのリソースを活用して英語の読解力を強化しています。
Four Leaves International School Tokyoは、家族の多様なニーズを理解し、放課後小学校プログラムに対して非常に柔軟なスケジュールを提供しています。月曜日から金曜日まで、生徒は利用可能な日にプログラムに参加することができます。デイパスシステムにより、週に複数回出席するか、特定の日にのみ出席するかにかかわらず、FLISTは生徒のスケジュールに合わせて対応します。プログラムは午後4時30分から午後6時30分まで実施され、通常の学校の時間帯の後に教育的で対話的な活動に参加するための便利な時間枠が設けられています。
Four Leaves International School Tokyoの放課後小学校プログラムは、卒業生が高い学術基準を維持しながら、小学校教育を完了する貴重な機会を提供しています。学業サポート、楽しいテーマカリキュラム、柔軟な出席オプションを提供することで、Four Leaves International School Tokyoは生徒に魅力的でポジティブな学習環境での総合的な教育体験を提供します。日本の学校以外の選択肢を探している家族や子供の英語力を強化したい家族にとって、FLIST